About Ryan FOSTER

Veteran | Policeman | Teacher | Football Coach

Ryan Foster started working in Third grade with a paper route. He eventually graduated from Shrine and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from Ferris State in 2002. He is currently employed in the transportation business.

Ryan served in the U.S. Army  and U.S. Army Reserve 2015-2019.


Ryan Foster, a conservative Democrat, who lives in Southfield, is running against Rashida Tlaib for Congress in Michigan’s 12th US Congressional District in the Democrat primary on August 6th, 2024.

Ryan is highly motivated to defeat Rashida Tlaib because she preaches hate and is a danger to America in many ways as you’ll read below. Ryan believes in the power of love. As a faithful man, he prays for Tlaib. But just the same, he looks forward to rendering her harmless to America.

Tlaib is so unhinged that Congress formally censured her for defending the terrorist group, Hamas. Within 24 hours of Hamas’ 10/7/23 barbaric attack on Israel, Tlaib defended the brutal rapes, beheadings, kidnappings and the murdering of as many as 1,200 Israelis by Hamas. Indeed, Tlaib has called for Palestinians to be free “From the river to the sea”—a phrase that calls for Israel’s total destruction. Tlaib is an unhinged radical. She has said that policing in America is ”Institutionally and intentionally racist.” Even worse, she has called for “no more policing or incarceration” and introduced bills to release all federal inmates and to abolish prisons.

Ryan Foster is a faithful servant of God, who prides himself on having read the entire Holy Bible no less than seven times. His love for America is beyond reproach. He majored in American History at college and was an A student. Blessed with a photographic mind, Ryan can recite the entire Bill of Rights, our Constitution and details on all of our 46 U.S. Presidents, 50 states, etc. He is a certified speed-reader and can recite what he reads word for word.

As for his work ethic, Ryan’s track record is outstanding. He has served as a policeman for several years, an educational teacher and a football coach, to name just a few of his upstanding roles. A testament to his passion and dedication, Ryan personally collected 1,200 voter signatures to qualify as a candidate for congress against Tliab. Only 1,000 signatures are required, but Ryan wanted to be certain he would qualify. Typical of Ryan going above and beyond in all he does. Almost everyone running for political office pays to have other people get the required signatures, because it is an enormous amount of work. Ryan looked at it as an opportunity to meet the voters, understand their concerns and get a handle on how to help them. And so, he canvassed for all the signatures himself for three months during the Michigan winter, knocking on approximately 6,000 doors in the snow, rain and sleet—67 doors a day on average, while concurrently fulfilling the responsibilities of his day job.

As an African American, veteran and lifelong conservative Democrat (which is rare), Ryan holds yet another significant advantage in this race. 80% of registered voters in the district are Democrats, 40% are African Americans and 30% are veterans.
Since this is an open primary, many Republicans and Independents are going to cross over and vote for Ryan as well. As they know how harmful Tlaib is and are also aware that Republicans have no chance to win this district. Why would any constituent who loves America vote for anyone but Ryan Foster? Already it is common knowledge that a large majority of 12th District voters dislike Tlaib as they are well aware of her hateful behavior.

Many people also know Tlaib is responsible for inciting students and encouraging other unsavory characters to join students in protest against Israel and America on campuses all over the country. The protest situation is greatly disturbing and dangerous because Hamas, Hezbollah and members of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) have infiltrated America through our open border and in other ways. They actively participated in the protests. Furthermore, CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations), supported the protesters. CAIR is 30-year-old, nationwide, anti-American organization with significant influence.

Ryan is an experienced political campaigner with this being his fourth campaign. He ran for Michigan State Senate and twice for Southfield City Council. His motivation? To do God’s work and help people. Ryan espouses that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. He is an engaging conversationalist and a fearless debater. Undaunted by intimidation, as he answers first and foremost to his Creator. Ryan is also very fortunate to have an exceptionally talented and dedicated team of strong Americans who are actively setting up an outstanding “ground and air” initiative for his campaign that will devastate Tlaib.

Heading Ryan Foster campaign team is Gary R. Leigh, an outstanding American. Ryan is extremely pleased to announce that Gary Leigh has agreed to serve as Campaign Manager. Gary has devoted over 40 years to enhancing and protecting this great country of ours. He is passionate about working on Ryan Foster’s election campaign because he knows Ryan is a superb candidate as shown above. He also knows it is critical for the U.S. and Israel that Tliab and other members of her Squad are replaced with loyal Americans who love their country like Ryan does. Gary and his entire campaign team are dedicated to accomplishing that objective.

Ryan is highly motivated to not only win this race, but to also unseat all the other members of the Squad who are in effect a cancer on America. To that end, there are many patriots and super PACs who share Ryan’s concerns and are poised to assist. Their financial support will be critical for Ryan as Tlaib has over $6 million in her war chest.

Also important to note is that the same campaign strategy and team will be utilized to defeat the five other members of the Squad during the 2026 congressional elections: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush. Ryan will play a key role in defeating those Squad members as he is passionate about supporting staunch faithful conservatives to replace them. A large majority of Americans are keenly aware that Tlaib and her Squad are behind the corruption of our youth, which gives us a healthy head start to their undoing.


Ryan Foster condemns the student protests—and Rashida Tlaib promotes them. These protests started April, 2024 and continued throughout May 2024. Approximately 43 college campuses around the country participated. Tlaib brazenly stated that 100 colleges participated, boasting her successful promotion of the events.

More insight into the harm of student protests: Participants chanted atrocious slurs about Israel and America. They called for the desecration of American flags. College campus grounds and buildings were damaged and defaced with graffiti. Windows were broken and school building were broken into, occupied and vandalized. One of the Hamas-organized protests led to over 200 arrests.

The George Washington University students chanted from their encampment, “Long live the intifada!” “We reject the terms that our Imperialist, Colonialist Overlords

(meaning America) have chosen for us!” A speaker was heard saying, “To honor our martyrs, from today on, we have renamed the University’s U Yard (where they had set up camp) ‘Shahada Square,’ which means Martyrs Square.”

New England Patriots team owner, Robert Kraft, took out a full-page ad in several newspapers on Thursday May 3, 2024 condemning the anti-Israel protests and the hate being spewed on all these campuses. Tragically, the administrations of these colleges caved in to these protesters, regardless of all the damage and violations of school policies. It was beyond a terrible example for these young people. It was enablement of inexcusable behavior. Confounded as to the tolerance of such disgraceful actions, people ask why was it allowed? This happened because the colleges have a majority of professors who are either socialist or Marxist. And they’ve been very successful at brainwashing many of our students to hate America, leaving them susceptible to the crazy ideas that Tlaib and her Squad peddle. Ryan Foster recognizes this as a critical problem in need of immediate repair and has identified a number of effective ways to accomplish that. First, the federal legislators can pass a law insisting colleges hire conservative professors to prevent having student loan funding denied. Second, the many conservative state legislatures who provide a good deal of funding to these schools can insist the colleges in their state hire many new conservative professors. Imposing a deadline to do so to avoid having their funding pulled will create a sense of urgency. Third, the alumni who provide a great deal of financial support to their schools, can also insist that conservative professors be hired to qualify for donations. Fourth, parents can make the same demands and threaten to remove their kids from the schools if they remain non-compliant.


Ryan plans to ensure excellent local services are provided to his constituents in Michigan’s 12th Congressional District. He will obtain substantial benefits for them from the national government. And he will fight to bring an end to these outrageous practices: boys participating in girl sports and sharing their locker rooms; sex reassignment; multiple gendering; discrimination and other harmful subjects being taught in our schools.

(1) Illegal Immigration – This is the most important issue for many voters. Ryan strongly opposes illegal immigration because the potential for it to cause much more harm to our country than 9/11 did is very real. Of the approximate 10 million illegals Biden invited in so far, hundreds of thousands are men of military age from countries and affiliations that hate us, like China, Iran, Hamas, etc. Their purpose for being here is to set up sleeper cells to attack us. The potential damage is far more severe than 9/11 and could bring our country to ruin.

Illegal Immigration causes additional terrible problems: Approximately 100,000 deaths  of young people from fentanyl annually—more Americans that were killed in Vietnam; Sex trafficking of approximately 70,000 children; Rampant criminal activity; Dissolution of thousands of jobs for our lower wage earners; An annual burden to tax payers of billions of dollars to support them; The overburdening and undermining our healthcare system and our schools. For these reasons, Ryan strongly believes all those illegal immigrants need to be promptly deported. He supports reigning in illegal immigration by completing the wall, engaging other means of policing and working with Mexico to protect the border. Ryan’s immigration policies reflect those of President Trump who accomplished the lowest illegal immigration in generations.

(2) The Economy – The second biggest worry for the voters is their cost of living. Many families can’t afford everyday necessities and often have to choose between putting food on the table and putting gas in their cars to get to work. Biden’s inflation is the culprit, caused by his out of control spending. Ryan is dedicated to doing his best to dramatically reduce government spending. One example is to end foreign spending, like funding the war in Ukraine. The government’s current spending is running at a 2 trillion dollar deficit each year, which is absolutely ridiculous. This will ruin our country if it continues. Ryan wants to focus government spending on defense, education, Medicare, Medicaid and social security, while working to reduce total spending significantly.

(3) Support of Home Schooling, School Choice and School Prayer – Ryan is a staunch supporter because, for the most part, our public schools are a disaster for our children. Financially, our public schools receive the second largest money stipend per student of any country in the world. Tragically, our children’s test scores rank 29th in the world.
That wasn’t always the way. Our public schools used to be the best in the world until the teacher unions ruined them. Thankfully, Home Schooling, School Choice and School Prayer have proven to be of tremendous help to our children, while causing teacher unions to lose a great deal of power.

(4) Strong National Defense – Ryan will work to see that our federal military remains strong and fulfills its number one responsibility to protect us against all threats. Part of that effort is to see to the prompt elimination of all the “woke” behavior that has recently infected our military. Ryan also strongly supports supplying Israel with the necessary resource needed to not only defend themselves, but to eliminate Hamas.

(5) Limited Government – Ryan supports having our government limit itself to the few powers delegated to it by our Constitution. Governmental authority is prescribed and restricted by the law, and the rights of the individual are protected against government intrusion. There are 3 main problems that need to be fixed; First, dramatically reduce federal spending; Second, get rid of the thousands of unelected socialist bureaucrats who have been ruining of our government, even though they were never elected. These people are known as the Deep State. The Heritage Foundation has a effective program that seeks to replace these insidious influences immediately following the upcoming election. Third, substantially reduce burdensome and unnecessary regulations.

(6) Welfare – The major problem with welfare in America is that many of our welfare programs trap so many of our citizens into a culture of dependency. Long-term welfare recipients lose good work habits and job skills, and they miss out on marketplace contacts that lead to job opportunities. These are key reasons why the government should require welfare recipients to work as much as they can. Ryan Foster firmly supports that cause and to motivate many of our God loving citizens to help these poor people to become independent.

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